Men at Arms
Death List 15.11
Definitely died - on page
- Beano the Clown - hit on the head a bit too hard (pg 31)
- Bjorn Hammerhock - shot by the gonne (pg 81)
- Bundo Prung - died when an armadillo fell on his head (pg 105)
- Lettice Knibbs - shot in the head with the gonne (pg 165)
- Acting Constable Cuddy - fell to his death (pg 339)
- Edward d'Eath - stabbed in the heart (pg 348)
- Dr. Cruces - stabbed through the chest (pg 360)
Definitely died - off page (ie referred to by someone)
- The 36th Lord d'Eath - died (pg 8)
- 37 Klatchians - killed by an ancestor of Lord Rust who was armed with
nothing more than a pin (pg 19)
- An alternate universe Carrot - died in uniform age 70 in an unlikely accident involving an anteater (pg 21)
- Sergeant Kepple - found dead on the floor (pg 53)
- Lozenzo the Kind - had his head chopped off (pg 70-71)
- 3 gardeners - claimed by the 50 ft deep hoho (pg 77)
- A man who patted Big Fido - they only found his belt buckle, in a tree, not even a tree near here (pg 112)
- Scurrick - a dead watchman (pg 214)
- Sergeant Maroon - a dead watchman (pg 214)
- Corporal Curry - a dead watchman (pg 214)
- 15 people - poisoned by Mr Downey (pg 281)
Might have died
- Mr Hong - disappeared in the terrible 5 minutes after opening the Three Jolly Luck Takeaway Fish Bar on the site of the old temple in Dagon Street on the night of the Winter Solstice when it also happened to be a full moon (pg 197)
Death toll?
- Lord Monflathers (the first Duke) led 600 men to a glorious and epic defeat at the Battle of Quirm (pg 20).
- The Battle of Koom Valley (pgs 415, 417) between the Dwarves and the
Trolls. The only known battle in history where both sides ambushed each
other. Given the nature of the two sides there was probably a large loss of
- The battle between the Dwarves and Trolls near Quarry Lane (pg 209).
Referred to as the quickest, nastiest and above all narrowest battle ever held in the city. Again a high death toll is assumed.
The Undead
- Mr Ixolite - a banshee
- Mrs Drull - a ghoul
- Mr Morecombe - a vampire
- Mr Bleakly - a vampire
- Reg Shoe - a zombie
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