Wyrd Sisters
Death List 6.1
Definitely died - on page
- King Verence of Lancre - killed by a dagger in the back (pg 8)
- A servant - crossbow bolt through the back (pg 14)
- Bentzen - a dagger in the back (pg 16)
- Duke Felmet - fell to his death into the river Lancre (pg 234)
Definitely died - off page (ie referred to by someone)
- Champot - his nephew cut his head off while he was asleep (pg 18) [1]
- The Vitoller's daughter - died (pg 36)
- Thargum, past king of Lancre - King Verence's father poisoned him (pg 53)
- The twins (the tiny ghosts, the toddlers) - infanticide(?) (pg 82)
- Queen Berney (670-722) - dead (pg 83)
- Goodie Whemper - died while testing whether a broomstick could survive having its bristles pulled out one by one in mid air (pg 95)
- King Gruneberry the Good (906-967) - dead (pg 133)
- Queen Grimnir the Impaler (1514-1553, 1553-1557, 1557-1562, 1562-1567, 1568-1573) - dead (pg 136)
- King Murune (709-745) - met a terrible fate involving a red hot poker, a privy, 10 pounds of live eels, a 3 mile stretch of frozen river, a butt of wine, a couple of tulip bulbs, a number of poisoned eardrops, an oyster and a large man with a mallet (pg 136)
- Aliss (Black Aliss) Demurrage - shoved into her oven by a couple of kids (pg 140)
Might have died
- Lady Felmet - possibly eaten by rabbits and other fluffy creatures in the forests of Lancre (pg 248 & TDC pg 97)
Death toll?
- Some people were executed for spreading malicious lies. ie that Felmet killed the King (pg 53)
- The schoolboy assassins whose piping voices became noticeably fewer towards the end of the year because the assassins believe in competitive examination (pg 149)
The Undead
- King Verence -a ghost
- Champot - a ghost
- The Twins - ghosts
- The Troglodyte Wanderer - a ghost
- Men without their heads - ghosts
- A screaming women in a chariot - a ghost
[1] although it is also claimed that he died of gout ( TDC pg 51)
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