Author: Terry Pratchett
Title: Hogfather
Publisher: Victor Gollancz
Date: 1996 (November)
ISBN: 0 575 06403 X (Hardback)
It's the night before Hogswatch. And it's too quiet.
There's snow, there're robins, there're trees covered with decorations, but there's a notable lack of the big fat man who delivers the toys ...
Susan the governess has got to find him before morning, otherwise the sun won't rise. and unfortunetly her only helpers are a raven with an eyeball fixation, the Death of Rats and an oh god of hangovers.
Worse still, someone is coming down the chimney. This time he's carrying a sack instead of a scythe, but there's something regrettably familiar ...
It's true what they say.
'You'd better watch out ...'
To The guerilla bookshop
manager known to friends as
'ppint' for asking me, many years
ago, the question Susan asks in
this book. I'm surprised more
people haven't asked it ...And to many absent friends.
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