Problem: How do I get started in the game?
Once Rincewind wakes up, you should familiarize yourself with his surroundings. Have a good nose around, but remember not to lose sight of what's important.
Problem: How do I find out what objects I need?
The head wizard should be able to help you out there....
Problem: I can't get out of the university....
Are you sure you're ready to head outside?
Problem: I can't get the luggage to wake up..
Perhaps a friendly nudge would help.
Problem: The Librarian is less than helpful..
Perhaps if you were to give him something...
Problem: I can't get into the palace.......
The guards seem the best of friends.. or are they?
Problem: I can't get/find the Staff of Tumultous Thaumatergy.....
It has a knob on the end, and it's closer to home than you think.
Problem: I can't get/find the Spiral of Neverending Induction.....
Be prepared to improvise - be on the look out for a suitable substitute.
Problem: I can't get/find the Miniature creature of excitable chitters.....
Just keep an eye out for little creatures.
Problem: The Miniature creature went into hiding and it won't come out!
You'll have to lure it out somehow.
Problem: I can't get/find the Sample of Breath.
The dragon is hanging around.. have you tried looking up?
Problem: I can't get/find the Container of ferrous material.....
Where would you find one of these?
Problem: What do I do with the dragon detector?
Do you know how a metal detector works?
Problem: How do I find out who the monks are?
Perhaps you should drop in on them.
Problem: How do I unlock L-Space?
With a (mon)key?
Problem: How do I get a monks robe?
Off a local monk perhaps?
Problem: I can't find the glass..
Do you have a specific purpose in mind for this? You should know where to look.
Problem: Where do I get a password?
Off someone who knows it? Have you tried eavesdropping?
Problem: Who are the monks?
The summoning ceremony should shed a little light on that one..
Problem: Where do I get a gate pass?
Do you know anyone who has one? Or had one?
Problem: How do I get the item from the fool?
A fool and his hat are soon parted.
Problem: How do I get the item from the dunnyman?
Did you know he has a sweet tooth?
Problem: How do I get the item from the chimney sweep?
Perhaps you could bring him a little closer?
Problem: How do I get the item from the fishmonger?
How would you make him lose his trousers?
Problem: The apprentice won't share his prunes with me...
A distraction is in order.. perhaps he's waiting for something..
Problem: How do I get the item from the mason?
What kind of mason is he?
Problem: How do I get the item from the thief?
Tread quietly...
Problem: I've got all the items, and given them to the dragon. He got quite nasty - what now?
It's all in the past..
Problem: How do I prove Rincewind's a man?
The answer to this problem is negotiable...
Problem: Ingredients? What ingredients?
If you know what you need, have a good look around the world.. but you might need to go to the ends of the earth to find them.
Problem: What do I do with Nanny Ogg?
Why not appeal to her better side? If she has one.
Problem: What does a hero need?
Why not ask around?
Problem: How can the gate guard help?
Bit of an odd problem.. it all depends upon what you have.
Problem: How can the bogeyman help?
He needs to loosen up...
Problem: Where do I find a sword that goes ting?
You'll have to rack your brains for this one. Even then, it might need a little fine tuning.
Problem: Where do I find camelflage?
You'll have to think dirty...
Problem: Where do I get a moustache?
You'll have to improvise on this one again.. but it has to be black...
Problem: How do I get a tattoo?
What kind of person might wear a tattoo?
Problem: How do I get a magic spell?
Where would you look?
Problem: How do I get a talisman?
Ask around....
Problem: How do I dispose of the dragon?
Mambo is a little bit poorly, so he might need filling up... then let nature take its course..