Death List 20.0
Definitely died - on page
- Ernie the Carter - stabbed with a dagger (pg 41)
- A guard - stabbed with a dagger (pg 64)
- Another guard - stabbed to death (pg 158)
- Mr Brown - thrown down a flight of stairs and broke his neck (pg 158)
- Chickenwire - eaten by a wardrobe (pg 232)
- The Bogeyman - died of extremely old age (pg 251)
- Mister Teatime - poker through the chest (pg 275)
Definitely died - off page (ie referred to by someone)
- Sir George - decapitated (pg 20)
- An old man - killed (pg 20)
- A maidservant - killed (pg 20)
- Ventre - he died (pg 47)
- The Hogfather - dead (pg 66)
- The 'late' Burgholt Stuttley Johnson - dead (pg 79)
- Ma Lilywhite - died (pg 102)
- Glossy Ron - strangled with his own leg (pg 102)
- Ridcully's uncle - drank a whole bottle of Wow-wow sauce as a hangover cure. It seemed to cure him. He looked very peaceful when they came to lay him out (pg 119)
- Twyla's uncle - died (pg 221)
- Susan's grandmother - died (pg 248)
Might have died
- Aaron Fidget - aged 8 going on, oh about 45 (pg 97)
- Catseye - the shadows leapt at him and just his boots remained (pg 220)
- Peachy - the Scissor Man was after him (pg 220)
- Archchancellor Buckleby - there hasn't been a corpse in a wardrobe since
that business with Archchancellor Buckleby. We all warned him that the lock
was too stiff. Was it his body? (pg 234)
- Sideney - attacked by 'Ronnie' Jenkins (pg 241)
- Medium Dave - clutched his chest and vanished (pg 245)
Death toll?
- Mister Teatime and his gang dealt to a number of tooth fairy guards (pg 60)
- Millions of full lifetimers pinging out of existence (pg 77)
The Undead
- Shlimazel - a bogeyman
- A bogeyman - a bogeyman
- The Bogeyman - a bogeyman
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